Ron & Valerie Lawrence
If you wish to make an impact through charitable giving, you can establish a fund with POISE to address your areas of interests.
Below you'll find a description of the various types of funds POISE offers. You may also call POISE Foundation and work with our development staff who can explain how each fund works.
Types of Funds
POISE offers endowment fund building as a long-term charitable investment vehicle to help donors meet their giving goals. Our endowment funds are invested to grow at competitive interest rates and allow annual distributions up to five percent (5%). While working to build the fund’s balance to meet long-term giving goals a distribution component may also be established, which allows 100% distributions from that component of the fund.
ADMINISTRATIVE FUNDS are for donors who want to support the Foundation’s normal operating expenses. Income from administrative funds is used to further the charitable purposes of the Foundation by supporting its operating/administrative expenses. The long-term goal of the Foundation is to be self-supportive relating to its operating budget.
Click here to see our Administrative Funds
AGENCY FUNDS are endowment funds created by a nonprofit organization where the available distributions are designated for the same nonprofit organization. An agency endowment is a method of promoting self-sufficiency and sustainability for the nonprofit. Once transferred, the assets are owned by POISE. However, the nonprofit can carry the asset on its own financial statements.
Click here to see our Agency Funds
DISTRIBUTION FUNDS are designed to distribute 100% of the fund balance over a given period of time as defined by the donor.
Click here to see our Distribution Funds
DONOR ADVISED FUNDS permit you to recommend or advise on which organizations should receive a grant. This provides you a means to remain actively involved in the management of the fund. However, the Foundation’s Distribution Committee is responsible for making all final decisions. Our staff will perform the due diligence to ensure the organization is a legal charity as well as review its impact on the community. This form of fund is often an alternative to a private foundation. It can save you time in establishing a private foundation, reporting requirements and associated fees and taxes.
Click here to see our Donor Advised Funds
DONOR DESIGNATED FUNDS allow you to specifically name one or more charitable organizations you want to support. These funds are for funding consistent and relevant issues. If the charity ceases to exist, the Foundation will direct the funds to an organization or organizations that are closely aligned with the mission and service of the original organization.
Click here to see our Donor Designated Funds
FIELD OF INTEREST FUNDS focus on issues of concern. You may suggest grants to organizations that operate in a specific field such as: education, children and youth, health and human services, arts/culture, and urban and economic development. You may also rely on Foundation staff to research and select organizations that are having a great impact on the community within the field of interest.
Click here to see our Field of Interest Funds
For over 20 years, POISE has provided Fiscal Sponsorship Services to individuals, groups and organizations offering programs that are in line with our mission. Click here to learn more about our Fiscal Sponsorship Services.
Click here to see our Fiscal Sponsorship Funds
NEIGHBORHOOD ASSET FUNDS are space-based funds that are organized to benefit the sustainability and growth of a specific neighborhood. These funds are managed by community representatives who will determine where to best invest the resources within their neighborhoods.
Click here to see our Neighborhood Asset Funds
SCHOLARSHIP FUNDS are designated for the advancement of individuals looking for financial assistance to expand their education. You may place restrictions on the funds such as granting income to specific colleges, universities or organizations, or setting specific criteria that the student must meet in order to be eligible.
Click here to see our Scholarship Funds
UNRESTRICTED FUNDS do not have donor stipulations and the income derived from these can be used for any purpose as deemed by POISE that is consistent with the mission and objectives of the Foundation.