In the beginning...
In December 2006, a historic moment occurred when the Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board awarded the first stand-alone gaming establishment in the City of Pittsburgh. That license went to Don Barden and his company PITG Gaming. That commitment has now transferred to the Rivers Casino and their ownership group who has established a fund within the POISE Foundation of $3Million for the sole purpose of fulfilling its commitment to the Greater Hill District.
On April 18th, 2011, the Greater Hill District Development Growth Fund was established. The Funder has charged the use and disbursement of funds to the Advisory Committee with the responsibility of recommending charitable organizations or projects to receive grants or loans from the Fund. The interests of Hill District citizens and the development of the neighborhood is a primary focus.
What We've Accomplished Thus Far...
To date we have given out over $1Million dollars to organizations within the Hill District and are looking forward to making continued investments in the community.
*Each respective year's criteria is released in the fall
Six-Year Report
Hill Community Development Corporation (
Hill House Association/Hill House Economic Development Corporation (
Hill District Federal Credit Union (
Urban Innovation21 (
Hill District Consensus Group (
Wesley Center AME Zion Church (
Schenley Heights Community Development Program, Inc. (
Historic Hill Institute (
Office of State Representative Jake Wheatley, Jr. (
Office of County Executive Rich Fitzgerald (
Office of City Councilman Daniel Lavelle (