POISE Foundation is pleased to announce the grantees awarded through our Community Impact Grants.
Through the Community Impact Grants, the Foundation provides small grants to nonprofit organizations located in the Pittsburgh Region that provide services, and seeks to bring change to the Black community which leads to empowerment and self-sufficiency. In general, grants are one year in duration.
Grants have been awarded to these worthy organizations in 2022:
Aaron Donald 99 Solutions Foundation
AD99 Solutions was awarded $6,500 to assist with the Prep Forward program operating expenses. Prep Forward is a youth enrichment and educational program that takes place during school time.
Aliquippa Green, Inc
Aliquippa Green was awarded $6,500 to support the organization's overall mission, by helping to create and maintain a safe and stable learning environment for their students and the community. General Operating Support
Amachi Pittsburgh
Amachi Pittsburgh was awarded $6,500 to support children who are vulnerable to the school-to-prison pipeline, their families, and communities affected by incarceration. General Operating Support
APS Youth Networking Agency
APS Youth Networking Agency was awarded $10,010.73 to support the sustainability and organizational growth of APS Youth Networking Agency. General Operating Support
Bible Center Church - The Oasis Project
Bible Center Church - The Oasis Project was awarded $6,500 to support the operations of The Oasis Project's Own Our Own Entrepreneurship Academy and Business Development Center located at 626 N Homewood Ave.
Black Women’s Policy Center
The Black Women’s Policy Center was awarded $10,010.73 to support their Empowerment Institute for Black Women. The Empowerment Institute for black women provides programming such as advocacy training boot camps, grief support groups, group therapy, group life coaching, and general support for Black women.
Center of Life
The Center for Life was awarded $6,764 to support the general operations of Center of Life. COL programs are designed to provide primarily Black families with the support and resources to thrive.
Community Programs, Office of Child Development
Community Programs, Office of Child Development (University of Pittsburgh) was awarded $6,500 in support to help parents and caregivers of children learn and grow together through reading and conversation. They talk about racial justice-related topics in an age-appropriate way through books. As families explore, create and learn together, they will begin to develop new skills, habits, and perspectives that will serve them as they continue to grow and support one another as lifelong learners.
Foster Love Project
The Foster Love Project was awarded $6,500 to support Black children who are currently in foster or adoptive care.
Future Kings Mentoring Inc.
Future Kings Mentoring Inc was awarded $10,010.73 for general operating support.
Lighthouse Memorial Christian Center
The Lighthouse Memorial Christian Center was awarded $6,500 to support youth by providing a safe learning environment, healthy meals, use of the STEAM Programming, transportation, violence/no bulling prevention programming, self-esteem programming and physical education.
Melting Pot Ministries
Melting Pot Ministries was awarded $6,500 to Support at-risk and underrepresented students enrolled in the Baldwin-Whitehall, Bethel Park and South Park School Districts through our Out of School Time (OST) Program. Melting Pot Ministries works to create a safe place and improve the well-being of the families they serve.
Mommy's Imagination Station INC
Mommy's Imagination Station INC was awarded $6,500 to implement and sustain high-quality early childhood education, Serving ages birth to 6-year-old children in high-need communities.
SBC (Second Baptist Church) Ministries Inc
SBC Ministries Inc was awarded $6,500 to offer Grab and Go meals for families without food.
SisterFriend, Inc.
SisterFriend, Inc was awarded $6,500 to support a community education series. This education series will be on feminine health. These videos will be used as a resource for young ladies, parents, service providers and educators.
St Paul AME Church
St Paul AME Church was awarded $6,500 to support the church's efforts to help evicted families in the Mckeesport area. This program primarily feeds families in need.
Strong Women, Strong Girls Inc.
Strong Women, Strong Girls Inc. Strong Women, Strong Girls Inc was awarded $6,500 to support young girls of color, through empowering mentorship experiences.
The Greenwood Plan
The Green Wood Plan was awarded $11,772.50 to support Black and other minority entrepreneurs looking to start, sustain, or expand their businesses. The Greenwood Plan hosts a multi-day conference that provides a series of classes focused on financial, mental, physical, environmental, and spiritual health to change the trajectory of intentionally and unintentionally neglected communities.
The Kingsley Association
The Kingsley Association was awarded $11,772.50 for General Operating support. Most of the support will go to programming and facility needs, including maintaining community rooms and classrooms for rental purposes, offsetting costs for donated facility usage during community events, and supplying additional staff and resources for special events.
Voices Against Violence
Voices Against Violence was awarded $6,500 to support the empowerment of young ladies through after school programming
Workforce Development Global Alliance (WDGA)
The Workforce Development Global Alliance was awarded $6,500 to provide training, mentorship, and internship experiences to youth.
Amachi Pittsburgh
The Amachi Ambassadors program, specifically, engages high school students experiencing parental incarceration in a social justice educational curriculum to empower them to become agents of change through the use of their powerful voices and compelling stories. Using content from a variety of sources, including School of Unity and Liberation (SOUL), staff facilitate learning the tenets of youth organizing, including but not limited youth organizing models, civic engagement and advocacy, racial inequities, how to develop policy and process demands, and public speaking.
Hill Dance Academy Theatre (HDAT)
HDAT wants to educate people of African descent in southwestern Pennsylvania about repatriation initiatives of selected works from the Chatham College African Arts Collection by publishing a repatriation plan and catalog, holding a series of community Indabas (participatory community gatherings) and lectures with artists practitioners, art historians, and scientists.